Invest Region Leipzig GmbH


Philipp Göllner, CEO XALT GmbH

XALT Business Consulting GmbH was founded in 2016 by Philipp Göllner as an external innovator for software teams and has since developed into a fast-growing and ambitious IT implementation partner. After four years, XALT has helped numerous companies and institutions implement cloud/DevOps methodologies and has progressed to "Gold Solution Partner" status in the Atlassian Partner Programme. At the same time, XALT grew steadily and is active with various teams at several locations.

The company sees it as its mission to make IT projects simple for its customers and to support them in the introduction and development of cooperation and IT solutions. This includes the implementation of agile models, the introduction of container technologies as well as DevOps methods and tools management, such as support with DevOps entry. XALT offers further support with the introduction of cloud solutions, the migration and replacement of legacy systems and the digitalisation of business processes. Open source software, Atlassian solutions, Docker and AWS are used to realise the projects.

"Leipzig is a trendy city with a high quality of life and a high recreational value. Together with our colleagues, customers and partners, we have the opportunity to take advantage of numerous cultural and leisure activities in the city."
- Tobias Koch, Atlassian Consultant XALT GmbH -

"As an Atlassian Gold Solution Partner, we offer consulting services and support on Atlassian-related topics. This includes consulting on the introduction and replacement of IT service management solutions and intranet systems with Atlassian, process automation, licence and authorisation management for Atlassian tools and the evaluation of apps in the Atlassian Marketplace," explains Tobias Koch, Atlassian Consultant at XALT. In addition to app evaluation, the company distributes its own plugins on the Marketplace and takes on the creation of customised plugins. Customers are also offered consulting services, workshops and training on the topics of task and knowledge management, team collaboration and technical topics, such as a DevOps 101 workshop. XALT's customers include European Energy Exchange AG, Bosch Siemens Hausgeräte, Fath GmbH, Deutscher Alpenverein e.V., estos GmbH and Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Bayerns.

Tradition meets dynamism at the Leipzig site

One of the main reasons for the choice of location was the existing contact with major customer EEX (European Energy Exchange), with whom XALT has successfully completed several projects since the end of 2019. "After our very pleasant experience working with EEX, the decision was made to expand our business to Leipzig and the surrounding area, thus establishing ourselves as a reliable partner for Atlassian and DevOps consulting," says Philipp Göllner, CEO and founder of XALT. An additional reason for opening a new location is the partnership with codecentric. Both companies have decided to share an office in order to optimise the use of office space, promote mutual exchange and exploit further synergy effects. With offices in Erfurt and Berlin, codecentric was already based in the neighbourhood.

"The city of Leipzig impresses me in many ways: it is an attractive, young and, above all, growing city with a creative start-up scene. These developments correspond to our ideas of a dynamic environment in which we want to prosper and realise our innovative visions."
- Philipp Göllner, CEO XALT GmbH -

XALT sees great potential for the IT sector in the fast-growing Leipzig region. Being based in the Saxon metropolis gives the company better access to potential customers based in the city and the region, as well as contacts in the distinctive start-up scene. The research and education landscape with a growing number of students from the fields of computer science or media informatics also provides access to highly qualified ITC career starters who are available on the labour market. The following advantages were important for XALT when deciding to open a branch in Leipzig.

The supra-regional and local connections and infrastructure are very good. XALT employees can commute between Munich and Leipzig in just 3 hours and quickly reach other locations, such as Berlin. The office in the city is easy to reach both by car and by public transport.
Offers and prices for office property in Leipzig offer a further incentive. Compared to other places in Germany, rents in Leipzig are affordable, making it easier to open a new location.
The final reason cited by XALT is the city's extensive cultural and leisure facilities. In addition to potential customers and projects, "soft factors" such as the recreational value and the scope of non-work-related activities are also important for a new location. In Leipzig, employees have the opportunity to access numerous available offers - together with customers and partners if required.

The XALT office is located in one of Leipzig's trendiest neighbourhoods: Südvorstadt. This neighbourhood is perfect for eating out, enjoying a beer in the evening and enjoying the green side of the city, such as the Leipzig lake district. You can find more information about XALT Business Consulting GmbH at:


Der Service der Invest Region Leipzig

Die Invest Region Leipzig hat XALT bei der Standortsuche entscheidende Unterstützung geleistet. Philipp Göllner zeigt sich begeistert: „Aus unserer Sicht war es fantastisch, offiziell als neuer Bewerber begrüßt zu werden. Uns wurde zudem ausgezeichneter Support geboten - Wir erhielten wichtige Kontakte zu anderen Unternehmen sowie zur IHK vor Ort, mit welchen wir uns austauschen konnten, und bekamen eine interessante Einführung in die Stadt Leipzig.“
